To credit the amount you earned for a particular offer, you must close the offer. The amount will not be credited to your account balance until the offer is closed.
You can close the offer either after the prescribed time limit has expired or at any time you choose.
Follow these simple steps to close an offer and credit the amount to your Testerup account:
1. Open the Testerup app and select the offer you wish to close.
2. Scroll down past the goal table and click on “Next.”
3. Answer the questions about your experience with the offer, then scroll down again and click “Next” once more.
4. The full amount you earned for the offer will then be credited to your account and will be visible under the “Payout” tab in your account.
Please note that once an offer is closed, it will no longer be possible to achieve any further goals within that offer, and it will no longer be visible in your overview of all offers.