Before reaching out to our support team, please take a moment to check out the articles on our Help Center. Many common questions and issues are already addressed there, and you may find the solution you need without having to contact us.
If you cannot find a solution in the Help Center, you can contact us via our contact form. Please note that we do not have a direct email address, and all inquiries must be submitted through this form.
To submit a request:
1. Click on "Submit a Request" in the top right corner of the Help Center.
2. Select the appropriate request type from the dropdown menu.
3. Complete the form with all necessary details.
For faster resolution, please include your customer number and attach a screen recording that clearly shows the issue you're facing.
Important Guidelines
One Request Per Topic: To avoid confusion and delays, please send only one request per issue. Sending multiple messages about the same problem may slow down our response time.
Suggested Articles Popup: After submitting your request, you may see a popup with articles that could address your issue. If you select "Yes, close my request", your ticket will be automatically closed, and we wonât be able to view your request.
In order to insure you get a response from us, close the popup window or click on "No, I need help."
By following these steps, we can provide you with quicker and more effective support.